Monday, October 6, 2008

Sadly I won't be taking showers in my own house for at least two days

So my goal of getting the shower grout sealed and ready to use by today was not achieved. We did seal the grout last night though (we finished at about two in the morning). This means that by Tuesday night we should have it water worthy. I did however reach several of my other goals this weekend.

1. I washed 11 loads of laundry
2. We finished building the bedroom and living room closets (so I have a place to put all that clean laundry.
3. We put the shelves in the pantry so now I can actually put food in it, it is very convenient to have food so close to the kitchen now.
4. Watched General Conference (to watch it we had to go to Grandma and Grandpa Miles' house because we don't have a t.v.).
5. I started putting up tile in the kitchen so that we can start building the counter that the kitchen sink goes in.
6. Cleared a path to the computer and downloaded pictures from the last three months (Gaby and Anna be prepared for your graduation pictures, and Lauren and Rick we have some wedding pictures to post and to send to you)

That is a lot of stuff!!! Unfortunately I also didn't get to recording the grades for the class I TA in Oops! Well what are you going to do?

1 comment:

gretta said...

ha ha suck to be you
love ya gretta