Friday, October 31, 2008

Jordan's 2nd Blog!!! (New and Improved)

So I found this in BYU's daily paper of all places (the paper isn't that great but... I digress) and I thought you guys would enjoy it. And don't think this is a new idea by Obama... This has been a standard foundational liberal idea since FDR. -Jordan

A redistribution of grades
Inspired by Barack Obama By: Marc Watterson

Great news everybody! Inspired by the ideas of presidential candidate Barack
Obama, your local school district has announced a radical idea that is going to
change the world!
The hard work and effort of those who have struggled through their education
to get the best grades possible now have the opportunity to give back. For
you who have worked hard and are getting A’s and A-’s, you will now receive a B+! Have no fear, this is in no way degrading your efforts! Rather, this will be for the benefit of all your classmates as no child will be left behind. Your grades are now being deducted and the difference is being given to those who receive D’s and F’s so that every student will pass with at least a C! After all, how unfair is it to label some of your classmates as failures? Just because they don’t see the need for studying or putting much effort into their education doesn’t mean it’s their fault.
And so, in an effort to promote equality among students, there will now be a redistribution of grades. In this system, each student passes regardless of effort or intelligence gained. Now, don’t let this deter those of you who go the extra mile in trying to learn, there’s still plenty of incentive for you to try and get better grades! You must always remember that your efforts no longer just concern you and your aspirations. Your fellow students now depend on you to get them to the finish line, whether they jog there of their own accord or you have to drag them, kicking and screaming, to graduation. The success of this program depends on you!
The greatest impact this new program will have is in the workplace! You see, this program is also being implemented in colleges and universities all across the nation! Students will now, more than ever, depend on the efforts of these A students to get them their passing grades in every class. Again, regardless of effort, everyone receives a passing grade in classes of higher learning. This will be the same in trade, law, medical and graduate schools as well! Think of it, there will never be a labor shortage again as an influx of “passing” workers flood the market! Sure, there might be a rise in flooded basements and guilty persons going free as otherwise incompetent employees are now given positions of trust in society. But at least we can rest assured every night knowing that despite our intellectual mistakes at work, there were those out there who were willing to sacrifice their hard-earned grades so we could pass every year in school.
Doesn’t this sound fair? Why on earth wouldn’t it be all right to take the hard-earned efforts of individuals and give the rewards of their labors to others instead? Why? Because this is America! This is where the dream still exists that through grit and determination, a man might change the stars and the world around him. This is the land where the ideals of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” remain a noble individual task, not a governmental duty.
Barack Obama would have the American people, us, believe that it is up to the government to provide the roof over our head, the food on our table, and the clothes on our backs. He suggests that it has always been government’s responsibility to do this but that the American people, since the conception of the Constitution, have been blinded by their desire to work hard and enjoy the fruits of their labors. Instead, he contends that it’s government’s job to take these hard-earned fruits and give them to everyone who refused to work hard, if at all. Obama is no Robin Hood. Business owners, Hollywood and sports stars and other wealthy individuals are no Prince Johns. And we, the American public, are no impoverished citizens of Sherwood Forest. If anything, Obama would have the government take the role of Prince John, while wearing the mask of Robin Hood. However, depriving us of our incentive to work hard and hindering our ability to progress would indeed make us a sorrowful and impoverished people.
Is this the future we want? Are these proposals really fair? Do we really believe these ideas are in our and our children’s best interest? Make your vision for the future clear, vote on Tuesday and get involved!

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